Movie API Documentations
Our developer tools allow you to access both data about videos, users, comments, etc. and interact with the video player and embed it into your own website or application.
For Example :
/* Developer API */
$api = file_get_contents("");
$results = json_decode($api, true);
echo $results['title'] .'<br>';
echo $results['description'] .'<br>';
echo $results['tags'] .'<br>';
echo $results['preview_img'] .'<br>';
echo $results['thumbnail'] .'<br>';
echo $results['duration'] .'<br>';
echo $results['height'] .'<br>';
echo $results['width'] .'<br>';
echo $results['likes'] .'<br>';
echo $results['dislikes'] .'<br>';
echo $results['comments'] .'<br>';